Spot03815.pngEditing lighting devices

Once lighting devices have been inserted, many of the parameters can be changed from the Object Info palette or Lighting Device dialog box, and the color, numbering, alignment, and other options can be set.

Selecting lighting devices by criteria

When you need to edit many lighting devices at once, use context menu commands to select devices by certain criteria. You can select all the lighting devices with the same instrument type, position, rigging object location, or focus point.  

Selecting lighting devices by Instrument Type



Select Lighting Devices by Instrument Type

Context menu

To select all lighting devices with a particular Instrument Type value: 

Right-click on a device that has the desired instrument type, and select the command. 

All lighting devices of that type are added to the current selection.

Selecting lighting devices by Position



Select Lighting Devices by Position

Context menu

To select all lighting devices with the same lighting Position

Right-click on a device on the desired lighting position, and select the command.

All lighting devices at that position are added to the current selection.

Selecting all lighting devices on a rigging object



Select Lighting Devices on Rigging Object

Context menu

To select all the lighting devices on a particular rigging object or hanging position: 

Right-click on the rigging object/hanging position, and select the command.

All the lighting devices on that rigging/hanging object are added to the current selection.

Selecting lighting devices by focus point



Select Focused Lighting Devices

Context menu

To select all the lighting devices aimed at a particular focus point: 

Right-click on the focus point, and select the command.

All the lighting devices assigned to that focus point are selected in the drawing; all other objects are deselected.

Swapping lighting devices



Swap Lighting Devices

Context menu

Two lighting devices can swap their geometric position and certain data. All accessories move with their associated device.

Most of the device data moves automatically with the lighting device to its new location. Exceptions are the Unit Number and Position values, which never move with the device. You have the option to move the Circuit Name, Circuit Number, Dimmer, and Universe/Address values or keep the devices' original data.

To swap two lighting devices:

Select the devices; nothing else can be selected.

Select the command; the Swap Lighting Devices dialog box opens.

Pressing the Shift key while selecting the command either suppresses or displays the dialog box, depending on the option selected for Shift+click behavior the last time you used the dialog box.

Set the desired options.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Move data from the following fields

Select which data to move with the lighting device to its new location. Selecting a field means the lighting device keeps its original data. Deselecting a field means the lighting device uses the data from the swapped device.

Except for Unit Number and Position, all other fields that are not listed in the dialog box automatically move with the lighting device to its new location.


Select what happens when you press the Shift key when selecting the Swap Lighting Devices command. 

Move data immediately using previous settings: Swaps the lighting devices without showing the dialog box, using the most recent settings.  

Display this dialog box: Opens the Swap Lighting Devices dialog box so you can adjust the settings before swapping the lighting devices.

Rotating lighting devices

There are several ways to rotate lighting devices; see Objecten roteren for an overview and links to specific methods. All attached accessories rotate with the lighting device. The relevant properties automatically update in the Object Info palette.

To rotate lighting devices:

Rotate the devices interactively with the Roteer (gereedschap). Only the standard 2D and 3D rotation modes are available.

Use the Rotate commands to flip the devices or rotate them 90°. The devices can rotate individually or as a group; see Voorgedefinieerde rotatiehoeken

Edit the X/Y/Z Rotation values on the Object Info palette.

Lighting device properties

Changing device properties

Advanced light properties

Lighting device color

Replacing lighting devices

DMX patching

Changing the label legend

Refreshing lighting device and light position data

Aligning and distributing Spotlight items

Numbering lighting devices by hanging position

Find and modify